TaxBuddy - Assisted Tax Planning Service

Assisted Tax Planning Platform

4.9 Star Google rating from 12,000+ users

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Does this sound like you?

How do I minimize tax liability for me and my business efficiently?

I don't know the tax consequences of the various new measures and laws passed by the Indian government.

How to handle taxes from my foreign income and assets, and tax treaties between India and other countries?

and a 100 more…

We have a solution to every problem

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Tax Planning with TaxBuddy is simple!

 How it works

More than 8 lakhs happy taxpayers

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Crores saved in taxes for our users

Our team goes through in-depth training to help you plan and minimize your tax liability. 

We are India's most trusted tax filing platform

Starting from ₹338/-

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Featured in

TaxBuddy's intuitive e-filing application ensures filing Accurate tax returns. Our portal enables customers to file their ITR, prepare automated response to notices and scrutiny received from IT department.

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